Highly excited alpha-cluster states in 34S
The European Physical Journal A, 47
The elastic-scattering reaction 30Si + was studied using the Thick Target Inverse Kinematics technique. Data were taken at a 30Si beam energy of 150 MeV in a reaction chamber filled with 4He gas, ... -
Elastic alpha-particle resonances as evidence of clustering at high excitation in 40Ca
The European Physical Journal A, 47
The elastic-scattering reaction 36Ar + α was studied using the Thick Target Inverse Kinematics technique. Data were taken at a beam energy of 150 MeV in a reaction chamber filled with 4He gas, ... -
Structure of exotic 7He and 9He
Nuclear Physics A, 746
The heavy helium isotopes 7,9He were studied via their isobaric analog states (IAS) in 7,9Li. The IAS were populated via resonance reactions of protons with radioactive beams of 6,8He. -
Single and double proton emissions from the 14O+4He interaction
Phys. Rev. C 76, 021603(R)
We observed single and double proton emissions in the 14O + 4He interaction by the thick target inverse kinematic (TTIK) method at initial energy for 14O at 32.7 MeV. We found that the protons mainly originate from the resonance excitation of states in 18Ne . The observed states in ... -
First observation of α-cluster states in the 14O + 4He interaction
Phys. Rev. C 77, 064314
We measured 14O +4He excitation functions for elastic scattering which demonstrate, for the first time, a well developed α-cluster structure in the proton rich nucleus, 18Ne . We present the excitation energies and estimates of the spins for the dominant resonances using an R-matrix approach. -
Alpha-cluster states in 18O
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 68
The excitation function of elastic α-particle scattering on 14C has been measured in the laboratory energy range 16.3–19.2 MeV using a backscattering technique with a thick target. These data were analyzed together with the old low-energy data of G.L. Morgan et al. in the framework of the R-matrix formalism. -
Highly excited alpha-cluster states in 32S studied with the thick-target inverse kinematics method
The European Physical Journal A, 46
Excitation functions of elastic 28Si + α scattering were measured employing the relatively new thick-target inverse kinematics technique, confirming the usefulness of the method. -
Doubling of α-cluster states in 22Ne
Phys. Rev. C 64, 051302(R)
Excitation functions for 18O + α elastic scattering were measured by a method using inverse kinematics and a thick gas target. An analysis of the .. -
Analog States of 7He Observed via the 6He (p,n) Reaction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 232502
Isobaric analog states of 7He have been investigated by a novel technique involving the observation of the resonant yield of neutrons from the 6He(p,n) reaction in ... -
7Be-induced α-transfer reaction on 12C
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 150
The reaction 12C(7Be,3He) has been studied at E(7Be) = 34 MeV. Angular distributions to levels with excitation energies up to 21 MeV in the residual 16O have been measured at θlab = 13–50 degrees. This reaction selectively populates states known to have a ...
Resonance scattering 8He + p and T =52states in 9Li
Nuclear Physics A, 734
The thick target inverse kinematic method was applied to the study of isobaric analog states in the neutron-rich nucleus 9Li. For this purpose, an excitation function for 8He+p elastic scattering was measured in the center-of-momentum (cm) energy range from 1.6 to 5.8 MeV. -
Investigation of the α-cluster structure of 22Ne and 22Mg
Phys. Rev. C 69, 024602
An excitation function for resonance elastic scattering of α particles on 18O and 18Ne was measured using the method of inverse geometry with a very thick target. Spectroscopic information was obtained for 23 levels in the excitation energy region from 11.9 to 13.7 MeV in 22Ne .